Understanding Pain and Myofascial Restrictions in Sports

This 1-day course has been developed following the success of improving athlete function through assessment and treatment of soft tissue restrictions, including symptom management beyond tissue pathology (pain management). Using a combination of current research and vast clinical experience this course has been developed with the practitioner in mind wanting to upskill their knowledge in the management of diverse MSK conditions using a combination of hands-on and with the assistance of instrument assisted modalities (Hawkgrips IASTM and Physiotouch). Whether you are working in a private clinic, hospital setting, MOD, or sporting environment you will surely find this to be immediately applicable to your role.
Course description
This course has been shaped to combine effective methods of assessment and treatment of symptom related conditions impairing function (e.g. Neck pain, Thumb UCL injury, Shoulder Impingement, Low back pain, Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome, Achilles Tendinopathy etc.). Whether it is an acute, subacute or chronic injury, or equally a conservative or post-operative procedure the tutor will present a course that will allow clinicians to enhance their existing knowledge on soft tissue structures and impact positively in their respective practice.


Course outline
This practical based 1-day course will include:
– Functional overview of anatomical structures linked to dysfunction and pain
– Discussion and demonstration of Ax and Rx techniques, both instrument and non-instrument assisted, for soft tissue structures including; fascia, muscle and ligaments.
– Demonstration and use of positive and negative pressure myofascial techniques (integration of Hawkgrips IASTM Tools and Physiotouch)
– Clinical Reasoning for pain management strategies
– Consideration of varied case studies during the course
Above all an enjoyable and motivating learning environment
Ian Gatt has been a sport physiotherapist for over 15 years, with a considerable period spent managing the medical services for the Great Britain Boxing program. He has attended all major competitions with boxing supporting elite athletes on their path to success through the London and Rio Olympic cycles, and current Tokyo 2020 cycle. Ian has been a Visiting Lecturer at University College London (UCL) since 2013 and is currently undergoing a PhD in Biomechanics at Sheffield Hallam University (SHU), where he held a position of Associate Lecturer. He is a Technical Consultant with the prestigious English Institute of Sport (EIS) providing an advisory role to Olympic and Paralympic Sports on injury management. Ian also delivers regular national and international educational workshops/conferences/webinars on diverse areas linked to sport injuries. Further, he provides private specialist consultations on musculoskeletal injuries in Sheffield, London, and Malta. Follow him on Twitter (@iangattphysio), Instagram (iangattgattman) or Linkedin (Ian Gatt).


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