Gorgia Lisi, Bsc (Hons), AdvCertVPhys, MIRVAP, BVNA
"On 10th March 2018 I was lucky enough to attend one of Physiquipe’s Soft Tissue and Pain Management training courses. My initial interest in the course was to investigate alternative treatments used in the human physiotherapy industry and how they differ from that of my own techniques in veterinary physiotherapy.
This was one of the most informative seminars I have attended during my time practicing as a Veterinary Physiotherapist having attended a number of Continuing Professional Development courses over the years. This particular day was incredibly well structured. The lecturer Ken Johnson was enthusiastic and passionate about his work and this reflected in his teaching throughout the day.
As well as a power point presentation there was an interactive practical aspect, this hands on exercise certainly benefited my particular style of learning. We were able to put into practice what we had learned on paper. It was great being part of a small group, this meant we were able to compare our industries, discuss how the tools could benefit our patients and specific cases - not forgetting the benefits to us as the practitioners. I believe that the techniques demonstrated using these tools will enable me to continue working effectively for many years with less physiological issues such as arthritis.
[video width="854" height="480" mp4="https://www.physiquipe.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/KJ-Soft-Tissue-and-Pain-Mute.mp4"][/video]
At the end of the training day we shared some of our personal physiological issues. I in particular have a number of chronic issues. I broke my shoulder 18 years ago in a horse riding accident. I received no physiotherapy rehabilitation program and now I suffer with pain and stiffness as well as bad posture. This has become a problem for another of my hobbies, bikini bodybuilding. My upper body has developed un-symmetrically and I struggle with my training. I have been seeing a chiropractor and physiotherapist, however I do not seem to be making any progress.
Ken spent a lot of time working on my shoulder and carried out some MyAct Therapy. I have been amazed at the results! My posture improved tremendously almost immediately and this in turn improved my riding performance. So I was extremely disappointed when he had to fly home to America, I could have done with his treatments on a regular basis. Especially during the up and coming competition season!"
The Soft Tissue and Pain Management course aims to review contemporary evidence in support of existing and emerging technologies and their influence on treatment outcomes. The day is targeted at Chiropractors, Occupational Therapists, Osteopaths, Physiotherapists, Rehabilitators and Sports Therapists who are looking to gain a deeper understanding into the 4 phases of tissue healing and repair:
- Myofascial Acoustic Compression Therapy
- Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilisation (IASTM),
- Mechanically assisted myofascial release and decongestive techniques
- Photobiostimulation with Class IV, 940nm diode-laser
If you are interested in learning more about any of these concepts we run courses across the the UK and Ireland.